Project Profile
Project Location
New Castle County, DEProject Lead
Delaware Center for HorticultureFunder
$50,000With Incyte’s support, the Delaware Center for Horticulture (DCH) partnered with New Castle County Parks in November 2023 to plant 100 trees at Swanwyck Park and Rogers Manor Park in New Castle County, DE. The project aimed to improve air quality, increase equitable access to greenspace, and encourage outdoor recreation.
The two parks are located along the Route 9 corridor between Wilmington and New Castle, DE. Communities around Route 9 have a history of underinvestment and limited access to public services, compounded by environmental burdens such as high air pollution, proximity to potentially hazardous sites, and prevalence of chronic illness.
This project represents one step towards greater tree equity and revitalization of the Route 9 corridor. The new trees will filter out traffic and industrial pollutants, provide cooling shade that encourages play and exercise, and beautify community gathering spaces. Around Swanwyck Park – which had lost all its trees to pests and disease – the new trees will create green routes to school and provide restorative nature experiences for students at the adjacent Eisenberg Elementary.
Incyte employee volunteers and members of the general public came together to plant trees at the two parks. Long-term, tree maintenance will be provided by Branches to Chances, DCH’s green workforce training program, to ensure that trees thrive and deliver the promised benefits to the community.
Check out a snapshot of the project: Impact Report Summary
Every tree planting project demonstrates impacts that create a more just and sustainable future.
Human Health
Urban Heat - 12
Active Living - 8
Wellness & Mental Health - 10
Social Health - 2
Social Equity
Site Selection - 7
Community Engagement in Design - 5
Community Participation in Implementation - 8
Economic Equity - 10
Climate Action - 13
Water Quality & Quantity - 8
Habitat, Food & Wood Production - 3
Bioremediation - 2
The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs are a global call for action. These goals have the power to build a better future for everyone. Investment in this impact project drives action towards the following goals.

Trees planted around the two parks will improve air quality and mitigate urban heat. Planting around the parks’ playgrounds, benches, sports fields and walking paths will shade and beautify these spaces, encouraging parkgoers and children to spend more time in active recreation and play.

Urban tree cover can increase groundwater recharge, promote the infiltration of water in soils, and decrease stormwater runoff. Trees were planted around the flood-prone area of Rogers Manor Park. At Swanwyck, the project restores canopy to a tree-less park.

The project’s planting events and long-term maintenance provide training opportunities for Branches to Chances, DCH’s green workforce development program, to enhance their urban forestry and horticultural skills.

The parks are located along the Route 9 corridor, an underinvested area between Wilmington and New Castle that faces high environmental burdens, per the CDC. The project enhances equitable access to public greenspace.

Trees planted will filter air pollution, improve soil ecology, and water quality. Incyte corporate volunteers and members of the public planted trees and received training on proper tree care and maintenance, empowering them to become tree stewards and advocates in their communities.

Trees were purchased from a local nursery to reduce purchasing footprint. Mulch was sourced from a company that uses local leaf litter for production, reducing waste while keeping streets and parks clean.

Native tree species adapted to the current and projected climate of the region were selected for planting. These 100 project trees will store a projected 260 tons of CO2 if maintained for 25 years.

Urban forests with greater biodiversity are more resilient to climate-related shocks and pests, while increasing habitat and food source variety for urban wildlife. The project planted five tree species across the two parks, including three species of oaks that are keystone species in the region.

This project featured both public and private partnerships. DCH worked closely with New Castle County on tree planting location and site selection. Incyte generously funded the project, and employees volunteered their time and energy on planting day.